Birth Doula Services
- A prenatal visit to discuss your medical history prior to pregnancy, prenatal medical history, birth plan, comfort measures and how I can best assist you.
- Consultation after each visit with your Care Provider - by email, text, or unlimited phone calls.
- The Birth - I'll be there during the whole experience using the following comfort measures:
- Hydrotherapy
- Imagery
- Counter-pressure
- Massage
- Breathing techniques
- Aromatherapy
- Encouraging position changes
- Other techniques as needed
- Support for the birthing method of your choice e.g. hypnobirthing, hypnobabies, Bradley method, Lamaze, etc.
- Breastfeeding support.
- Phone support within the 24-48 hours after delivery
- A postpartum visit.
Please contact Kristy for pricing.
Postpartum Doula Services
Postpartum services are meant to educate and enhance the family’s ability to welcome their new addition.
Educational Services
- Breastfeeding support
- Bottle feeding plan, as needed
- Child-soothing techniques
- Safe and proper newborn hygiene
- Cord care
- Circumcision care
- Proper bathing
- Diaper care
- New mother care
- Postpartum Nutrition
- Perennial care
- Cesarean recovery care
- Emotional wellness
Other Services
- Light housekeeping.
- Care for other children.
- Nutritious meal preparation.
Please contact Kristy for pricing.